Circuit Breakers is a gathering for organizers and activists in the tech industry to come together and learn, build community, strategize, and recognize our collective power. This conference is organized by volunteers from across the tech labor movement, including many central organizers from last year’s Labor Notes Tech Labor Conference.

It will be held in San Francisco, the weekend of October 12-13, 2024. The first day will be the conference proper and the second day will be unstructured time to continue conversations and organizing.

We are currently seeking session proposals and invite anyone with experience to submit an idea before our August 30th deadline. The topics of interest include but are not limited to shop floor organizing tactics, building unions, negotiating contracts, fighting against the harms of tech, the economic moment for tech organizing, opposing militarism and war, and enacting international solidarity with Palestine. This conference will be a place to share our experiences and learn from one another. Mark your calendar, and consider submitting a session proposal!

We are actively seeking more volunteers to help plan sessions and with on-site logistics.

Sign up to be updated about the conference as it develops!


We believe the tech labor movement must be worker-led, wall to wall, rooted in experience, international, militant, class struggle. These strengths are critical for workers to oppose social harms such as colonial oppression, surveillance, and war.


Where and when is the conference?

Circuit Breakers will be in San Francisco. It will be a 2-day event over the weekend of October 12-13, 2024. The first day will be the conference proper and the second day will be unstructured time to continue conversations and organizing. We will have spaces available for improptu workshops and discussions that emerge from discussions over the first day. We will provide the exact location to attendees, but expect it to be near Golden Gate Park.

Where can I buy tickets?

Tickets are available here.

Who is this conference for?

This is a conference for rank-and-file workers in tech who have direct experience organizing or who want to get more involved in organizing. This gathering is not for general observers like journalists or researchers. If you fall into one of these categories, you might be eligible if you have significant ties to tech organizing or the labor movement and consider yourself, broadly speaking, a participant or supporter. If you are unsure, we encourage you to reach out to confirm if this conference is for you.


We are aware that our conference falls on Yom Kippur, the high holy days for our Jewish community members.

We will have programming for our Jewish community members who choose to attend our conference, including dedicated prayer rooms and breaking the fast end of Shabbat/Saturday evening. We regret that some members won’t be able to attend. If you are interested in co-organising a Havdala/Yom Kippur ceremony, please get in touch with

How do I get in touch?

You can contact the conference organizers at conf (at)